Legal Notice and General terms of use of the Website 


This website, (hereinafter, the “Website“) is owned by ENTERPRISE FOR LARGE INTERNATIONAL ARCHITECTURE, S.L., with Tax Identification Number: B09838418 and registered in the Barcelona Mercantile Registry with the following registration details: Sheet B-576679, Volume 48228, Sheet 100, Inscription 1.

And whose contact details are: 
Registered office: Calle Còrsega, 254, Bajo, 08008, Barcelona, Spain
Contact e-mail: [email protected].


These General Terms of Use of the Website (hereinafter, the “Terms of Use“) set out the terms and conditions governing access to, browsing and use of the Website.
In this sense, access, use and browsing of the Website confers the status of user(s) (hereinafter, the “User” or “Users“), and implies acceptance of each and every one of these Terms of Use. The User is fully aware that the mere browsing of this Website implies acceptance of these Terms of Use and, therefore, if the User does not agree with them, he/she should not use this Website.
The Website is primarily intended for Users resident in Spain. ELIA does not guarantee that the Website complies with the laws of other countries, either in whole or in part. If the User resides or is located in any other place and decides to access and/or browse the Website, he/she shall do so at his/her own risk, and shall ensure that such access and browsing comply with the local legislation applicable to him/her, and ELIA shall not be held liable for any damages that may arise from such access.
ELIA may, at any time and without prior notice, modify these Terms of Use, which will be published as and when such modifications are made.


Access to the Website by the User is generally free of charge. If there are functionalities or services that are reserved for certain Users (for example, by requiring a registration process) or for which a fee is payable, these will be duly indicated on the Website.
You must be of legal age and have sufficient legal capacity to be bound by these Terms of Use. Therefore, this ELIA Website is not directed to minors. ELIA disclaims any liability for failure to comply with this requirement.
Access to this Website is the sole responsibility of the User and does not imply the establishment of any commercial relationship between ELIA and the User. It is the User’s responsibility to ensure that the information and content contained in the Website meet the User’s specific requirements.

The User agrees to:

    • Access and use the Website in good faith and in accordance with these Terms of Use, the law, morality and public order.
    • Provide truthful, current and lawful information in the forms provided on the Website. In any case, the User must immediately inform ELIA of any event that allows the improper use of the information registered in the said forms, such as, but not limited to, theft, loss, or unauthorised access to identifiers and/or passwords, in order to proceed to their immediate cancellation.
    • Not to take any action on the Website that may cause damage or alter the content, programmes or systems of the Website, including the introduction of computer viruses, the installation of robots, or any software or files that are harmful, defective, or otherwise likely to cause damage to our computer systems.

In any event, the User shall be liable for any damage that may be caused to ELIA and to third parties and ELIA may take the technical, legal and any other measures that it deems appropriate to prevent, mitigate or stop the consequences of the above-mentioned prohibited conduct and to claim any liability it deems appropriate.

All the contents of the Website, including, but not limited to, texts, images, photographs, videos, graphics, distinctive signs of any kind, icons, interfaces, as well as the software, source code, designs, architecture, presentation, layout and classification of the contents and any other element present on the Website that may be subject to intellectual property rights are the exclusive property of ELIA or of third parties who have licensed, authorised or consented to their use on this Web Site.
In this sense, when the User accesses, browses and uses this Website, no rights of use are or may be granted to the user over all or part of the Website, and ELIA reserves all such rights. The User may only consult the elements of the Website and use them to the extent strictly necessary for the correct use of the Website. In particular, it is forbidden to use or resell for commercial purposes any material or content contained in the Website without prior authorisation from ELIA.
ELIA reserves the right to modify, at any time and without prior notice, the presentation and configuration of the Website, as well as the contents and services that may be included therein. The User acknowledges and accepts that ELIA may at any time interrupt, deactivate and/or cancel any of these elements included in the Website or access to them.
If the User considers that any of the contents of the Website infringes intellectual property rights, he/she must immediately inform ELIA using the contact details provided in section 1 (Identification of the Owner) of these Terms of Use.


The information published on the Website may not be exhaustive or completely up to date, and and ELIA does not accept any responsibility for the lack of completeness, up-to-dateness or accuracy of the data and information contained in the various pages that make up the Website.
ELIA does not guarantee that access to this Website will be uninterrupted or error-free. Furthermore, ELIA does not guarantee that the content or software present on the Website will not cause damage to the User’s computer system (software and hardware). ELIA shall not be liable for any loss, damage or harm of any kind that may arise from accessing, browsing and using the Website, including but not limited to loss, damage or harm caused to computer systems or caused by the introduction of viruses.
ELIA is also exempted from any liability arising from the improper use of this Website by the User.

Users are informed that the Website may contain, among others things, links, banners, buttons, directories and search engines that allow Users to access websites belonging to and/or managed by third parties and which are therefore beyond the control of ELIA , which cannot be held responsible for the content of such sites.
If you consider such content to be inappropriate or contrary to ELIA’s objectives, please notify us using the contact details above so that we can take appropriate action.

These Terms of Use and their performance shall be governed by Spanish law.
In the event of any dispute regarding the interpretation or application of these Terms of Use, the parties shall negotiate in good faith in an attempt to resolve such dispute or claim. However, if the dispute or claim is not resolved, the parties shall submit to the appropriate courts or tribunals in accordance with the law.

Last modified: 8 April 2024